Choosing The Right Fixtures For your Holiday Displays

Selecting the perfect holiday display for your brand is crucial to making a lasting impression on your customers and boosting holiday sales. At NOLA Designs, we understand the importance of aligning your store's layout with your target market audience. Let's explore the diverse options available to you!


1. Temporary Fixtures

Embrace the changing seasons and holidays with ease. Temporary fixture displays offer flexibility and a range of branding possibilities. They're cost-effective and can be effortlessly updated, lasting from a few weeks to a couple of months.


2. End Cap Units

Make a statement at the end of aisles, naturally capturing shoppers' attention as they move through your store. These sturdy displays provide a great platform for seasonal and special products, enhancing visibility and drawing customers in.

3. Floor Fixtures

Every inch of your store matters. Floor displays centralize your merchandise, elevating products to improve visibility and accessibility. Neatly organized with shelves, they entice shoppers to explore your offerings more closely.


4. Aisle Unit Fixtures

Like floor displays, aisle units are freestanding and accessible from all sides. Ideal for spacious areas, they maximize product display and can disrupt traffic patterns, encouraging engagement with shoppers.

5. Interactive Fixtures

Elevate shopper engagement with interactive displays that embrace technology and stay relevant to current marketing trends. These displays provide an immersive experience, gather valuable consumer data, and breathe life into your products.

6. Window Fixtures

Create a powerful first impression with classic window displays. Utilize your storefront window to set the holiday mood, drawing customers in with winter-inspired designs. These displays effectively communicate your brand's message while enhancing visual appeal.


When evaluating your store fixtures for the holiday season, consider the impact of temporary displays, end cap units, floor fixtures, aisle unit fixtures, interactive displays, and window presentations on your holiday sales. We understand that choosing the right fixtures can be challenging. At NOLA Designs, we specialize in assisting our clients with fixture selection and curation to ensure they align with your brand and store layout. If you need expert guidance in choosing or curating holiday fixtures for your space, explore our services to see how we can help you make the perfect selection. Your success is our priority!


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